Tuesday 23 December 2008

Argos Home Gyms

Home gyms allow you the freedom to train your body in the comfort of your own home. Argos certainly has the largest selection of home gyms from the major catalogues these days. They have built up their product lines over quite a long time, and can offer a huge range from all the best known brands.

There are many different kinds of home gym, with various features so it is important to look into the specific details of what each has to offer before you spend your money. Prices can run into the hundreds, but there are also many cheaper alternatives and it all depends on what you need to use them for.

As a rule, the more features and pieces of equipment your home gym has, then the more parts of your body you can train. There are also many different attachments that can be added to give you more of a workout. Home gyms can come with pec decks, leg extensions, lat bars, pulleys and of course weights. There are a whole range of weights that can be added to your machine, and also single or double stack weights.

One the main problems with home gyms is that they take up a lot of space, and the more expensive your gym, the more attachments will come with it, so you certainly need to look at the size of the gym and make sure it will fit into your room before you buy. The argos catalogue tells you all the dimensions on the product pages so make a note of these and then measure the room you intend to put your home gym in before you commit to buy it.

The top end gyms can run into thousands of pounds, so if you just want a low paced workout it may be better to go for something cheaper, it all depends on your level of fitness and what you want to get out of your workout. The station is where the weight stack is found, and this is the centre of the gym, where all the resistance is created for your workout. Most home gyms have a stack pin system which allows you to increase or decrease the weight by simply removing the pin to the desired weight level. This is a quick way of increasing esisitance without having to move heavy weights. If you have been a member of a gym you will probably be familiar with this concept.

Double weight stacks allow for more than one person to use the gym at the same time, so if you want to get the family involved look for this feature. The single stack models only allow one person to train at one time. The big advantage of a home gym over free weights is that they reduce the risk of injury, and place less strain on the body parts. This is especially useful if you are a beginner, you don't want to injure yourself when you just start out. You can place your body in the correct position on the home gym and then start to exercise, starting with lower resistance and slowly building up over time.

Argos home gyms come with the one price delivery of £5.95 which when you consider the weight and size of a home gym, is a bargain. Littlewoods and John Lewis also stock home gyms among others, and their ranges are growing all the time as well. Home gyms offer a real alternative to joining a private gym, especially if you are bit wary of exercising infront of other people, this is why so many are sold all over the world, and is why the catalogues sell so many.

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