Sunday 21 December 2008

Argos Treadmills

The argos catalogue has a decent array of treadmills. There are currently around 33 different treadmills in the catalogue. There are two kinds of treadmill to look out for. The first is the manual kind, and these are powered by the person running on the belt to make it move round. Manual treadmills are the cheaper alternative, and are usually very basic. They can be used if you are just starting out on a fitness regime, but for more energetic workouts they are not really up to the task. It all depends on what you need, but the argos catalogue does sell a wide variety of the manual versions.

The second type is the motorised treadmill, and as the name suggests, these are powered by a motor. Because of this, they are far more expensive than manual treadmills, but they offer a much better running experience. Prices vary a great deal and it is worth the time to look at the finer details of what each treadmill has to offer.

The motorised versions usually have a digital display that tells you about heart rate, calories, distance and speed. More advanced models have programs that can include inclines to simulate hill running. The more expensive treadmills have higher top speed capabilities, some up to 20km/h. Many in the catalogue also have hand rails which you can hold onto while you get used to running, or in case you lose balance.

The cheapest argos treadmill sells for around £79 and this is the Pro Fitness folding manual treadmill. This machine does have a 4% incline ability, and there is also an LCD display to tell you your distance travelled, speed and calories burned. The big advantage of the manual argos treadmills is that they are much smaller than the motorised one's, and almost all of them can be stored flat, so you can easily use them and then store them away in a cupboard or under the table.

At the other end of the scale there is the top priced treadmill, which costs £1272, and this is the Reebok 7.5. This has all the features you would expect for this price. The speed goes to 18kph and the elevation goes to a 12% incline. There are also many programs to choose from, that will test your fitness. The problem with paying this much money for a treadmill is that if you join a gym and it costs say £30 per month, this relates to about £360 per year, and so you could run on the gym treadmill for about 4 years for the same price.

The big difference between the treadmills you can buy from the argos catalogue and the kind you find in the gym is huge. Gym treadmills are industrial, and these are the best you can get. These cost around £5000 each, and are designed for excessive use. In short, they offer the best running experience you can get. They are much more superior to home treadmills, they offer better support, better comfort, better everything.

I have looked closely at buying my own treadmill, but after looking a bit more closely i decided to join a gym and use the best equipment they offer. No home treadmill comes close i'm afraid, no matter what the manufacturers tell you in the marketing hype. However, if you just want a cheap little training tool then go for it, the argos catalogue will have something to cater for you.

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